Fido (aka my first post)

Posted on Feb 11, 2025
tl;dr: A quick note about Fido

My journey as a developer began when I adopted my dog, Milou. Raising him as a puppy was a challenge, and having a personality of extremes, I responded to the challenge by becoming a certified dog trainer. This solved the problem for myself but not for others. Gradually I trained friend’s dogs, then stranger’s dogs, and made my process more scalable. The journey to scaling effective dog training led me to learn to code so as to turn my solution into an app.

The app has since been abandonned and my days as a dog trainer are behind me. The lessons on learning theory, the root of behavior, human as a commercial animal, and software development stayed.

One day I will be ready to say more about the Fido project. Today is not that day. Today is the day I throw up the first post in the portfolio section of the site.

So: ta da!